**Eight-week poetry workshop: "The Roughed Edges"**

The fall installment of the 2011 poetry workshop series, "The Roughed Edges" is as much about smoothing out our verse as it is about honoring and illuminating the imperfections, the stunted seeds, and places where the glittering happens to be fractured glass. Sometimes the magic resides in spots where friction burns brightest, those moments in a poem where readers -- and their writers -- often turn away. During this eight-week critique and generative workshop, we'll summon the alchemy in order to engage ourselves and our readers around these sharper subjects and images.
COST: $225, payable in one or two installments 
DATES: Wednesdays, September 28 - November 16
TIME: 6:30 -- 9:30, 
WHERE: Writers’ Dojo, 7506 N. Chicago Ave., Portland, OR 97203
TO REGISTER: Email: info(at)davejarecki(dot)com with your interest and for more information.


Dave Jarecki owns Breakerboy Communications, a writing firm that helps businesses, individuals and non-profit organizations communicate through story. He facilitates writing workshops for youth and adult writers throughout the Greater Portland area. His fiction, non-fiction and poetry have appeared in a number of journals and publications, including Cloudbank Literary Magazine, INUR Magazine, Baseball Savvy, and Reed Magazine. He and his wife Courtney live in NE Portland with their newborn daughter, Lazadae.

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